Academic Innovations Higher Ed

Sample documents from®


10-year Plan summary
The Skills-based Education Plan
The Portfolio
Sample College Plan
Education and Training 10 year Plan
Keep in mind that is not an ebook. It is a digital, data-driven computer program that collects personalized data throughout the course and transforms it into a variety of products or documents of value to the learner. These include:
  • My 10-year Plan summary page that can be quickly reviewed by instructors and advisors to personalize their work with each student.
  • The student’s 10-year Plan and Portfolio report that can be used as an authentic assessment for grading/midterms/finals as well as for rich content for interviews, personal essays for college, and workforce recruiting.
  • My Skills Inventory which is a dynamic digital chart collecting data throughout the course that, in the end, helps students develop their skills-based education plans, prepare for interviews, and develop transferable skills so they can adapt quickly to changes in the workforce.
  • Skills-based Education Plan related to their chosen career path.